Pavilion Roof at Smart and Shared Cities Symposium

Last Wednesday Paviljoen III attended the final presentations of the minor Bold Cities from Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities

During the symposium, the Smart and SHARED Cities minor students presented the research they carried out during the fifth and final module of the minor to their project commissioners. 
The groups carried out research on three themes: digital twin technologies, sustainable urban solutions and smart city experiments.

Paviljoen III was one of the commissioners for the theme sustainable urban solutions.
Thanks students (Carlos Zapata Lucio, Myung-Hyong Seo and Joost schoonderwoerd ) for all your help, and the interesting views on our Pavilion Roof.

Many thanks to Roland Ortt and Merlina Slotboom for their positive energy and making the world a little bit greener. 

And thanks: Tiffany Konings for making all the pictures.