How can we purpose the rooftops of our cities for a sustainable future?
The PavilionRoof transforms your grey roof into a greenroof onto which other sustainable solutions can easily be installed. This allows you to purpose your roof to meet your requirements and the heat and energy-use of your building. It is possible to add elements at later date, preparing your roof for sustainable additions to your building in the future. The size of the PavilionRoof is scalable, making it suitable for all roofsizes.
The lightweight and modulair system can be installed in one day on almost all flat roofs, quickly and at low-cost.
The PavilionRoof turns unused rooftops into multipurpose rooftops that decrease energy demand, provide renewable energy, assists biodiversity and buffer rainwater, to make for a greener future!
The advantages of The PavilionRoof

Sustainable energy transition

Water storage
& buffering

Modulair & upgradeable

Free system cobinations

Decrease of Heat-Island-Effect

Committee of Recommendation

Ewoud Goudswaard
Treasurer National Greenfund
& Former CEO of ASN Bank
Investing in an innovative greenroof system means investing in our shared future. Paviljoen III shows ambition and drive with their PavilionRoof. A product that we need to combat the effects of climate change: Climate Positive Real Estate.

Minouche Cramer
Head of Innovation
for the Municipality of Amsterdam
Using the widely available number of grey roofs of our cities is key for a better and sustainable world. A solution like PavilionRoof makes this possible for Amsterdam.

Dr. Jeremy Faludi
Assistant professor of Design for Sustainability at Delft University of Technology
Solar roofs are an important sustainability strategy, and so are living roofs; we need more of both. This system could help revolutionize the industry by letting property owners install both inexpensively and flexibly.”

Dr. Roland Ortt
Professor Urban Innovation Management at Bold Cities Erasmus University Rotterdam
Paviljoen III is an enthusiastic organisation on an important mission: to transform every grey roof to a sustainable multi-purpose roof.
Een installatie-dag van het PaviljoenDak

Let's go up!
The PavilionRoof is installed within 1 day. All components are easily delivered to the roof using a ladder lift.

Beforehand we determine together with you the components of your PavilionRoof. Do you want to insulate, generate sustainable energy of heat, help biodiversity or store water?

And done!
The only thing left to do is to enjoy all the advantages of your sustainable greenroof.
What do greenroofs do for our cities?

The cooling effect of a greenroof has a positive effect on the efficiency of your solar panels. The efficiency increase is 6% on average, but can reach 20% on hot days.**
Increase solar efficiency

During the summer your roofsurface van reach temperatures of up to 85 degrees Celcius. A greenroof reduces the heat flow on your rooft with 75%!* A greenroof reduces the temperature in- and outside your building.
Passive cooling

Greenroofs provide a place of shelter for insects, bees and birds. They also work as steppingstones, connecting larger green areas of cities and allowing animals to travel.
Help biodiversity

We are experiencing more frequent and heavier rainfall. This leads to flooding and waterdamages in a city environment. Greenroofs store and buffer rainwater, to help fight this problem.
Store rainwater

During hot summer days, our cities can measure up to 5 degrees Celsius warmer tah surrounding rural areas. This phenomena is called the Heat-Island-Effect. The cooling properties of a greenroof help make our cities more comfortable during summer.
Decrease heat-stress

A greenroof contributes to the quality of life in our cities. Research shows that a green environment has a positive effect on our health. On top of that, increases a greenroof the value of your building.
Aesthetic value

A grey roof reflects sound. This leads to noice nuisance, especially in a city landscape. A greenroof absorpts sound. Ideal when combined with a heatpump.
Noise absorption

A greenroof protects your roof surface from the heat and UV-radiation of the sun. A greenroof can double the lifespand of your roof, and in some cases even triple! You will earn your green roof back within 8 to 21 years.***
Longer roof-lifespan
* These numbers are from reserach papers by Scherba, A., Sailor, D. J., Rosenstiel, T. N., & Wamser, C. C. (2011). Modeling impacts of roof reflectivity, integrated photovoltaic panels and green roof systems on sensible heat flux into the urban environment. Building and Environment, 46(12), 2542-2551.

Vangen van fijnstof en CO2
Planten vangen fijnstof op, en slaan CO2 op tijdens hun groei.
What we are up to

At the end of 2020, the first version of the PavilionRoof was presentated as part of a graduation project at the University of Technology in Delft.
At the start of 2021, Paviljoen III was founded. A company with the mission to make it easy for city buildings to participate in the energy transition.

After this, our great search for te perfect solution could begin! We performed materials tests, context research and product design. We also performed strength tests; as you can see, our anchor can hold Linde's weight 😉

After a year of R&D, we were ready to install our first Pilotroof. We were selected for a voucher by Province Zuid-Holland to test our roof at The Green Village in Delft, a field lab fonr sustainable innovations.

To accelerate our research, we headed back to the faculty of Industrial Design. Here we started a team of smart, creative and hard-working students. Shoutout to Arthur, Bas, Romeo, Lica, Jason and Ruben!

At the opening of the ClimateQuarter at The Green Village, our system was selected as one of the five innovation to present for Hugo de Jonge, who was just recently appointed Minister for Housing and Spatial Planning.

At the start of summer the studentteam at the TU Delft was finished with their project. They presented a further developed and refined PavilionRoof system. Thank you guys!

During the summer ofo 2022 Paviljoen III monitored the first biodiverse version of the PavilionRoof.

In September 2022, Jason joins the team of Paviljoen III. He aims to "restore the symbiosis between people and nature in the Netherlands with practical, well-thought-out solutions and thus improve the living environment for everyone."

July 2023, the new and improved version of the PavilionRoof is installed at The Green Village. This year, we will monitor the effect of the system on the solar efficiency, the temperature and the water storage of the roof.

Since Octobre 2023, our PavilionRoof is installed on the Innvation Pavilion of the Municipality of Amsterdam.
The enrollment list for the first 50 PavilionRoofs is open! Do you want to be part of these first 50? Enroll your roof!
Do you want to see for yourself?
You can see our system on the office building of The Green Village in Delft. Come see how the PavilionRoof tranforms a grey roof into a green/solar roof.
Or is Amsterdam more convenient?
Since Octobre 2023, you can also find a PavilionRoof on the Innovation Pavilion of the Municipality of Amsterdam. Come see the green biodiverse solar roof with the best view in Amsterdam.

Veemarkt 132 B
1019 DE, Amsterdam
Paviljoen 3 B.V.
KvK nummer: 81838689
You are very welcome for a cup of coffee at our office location: just leave us a message via the contact form.